1. Speak the same thing that there be no division among you – perfectly joined together in the same mind – 1 Cor 1:10.
2. Until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge in the Son of God and become mature – Eph 4:13.
3. Eph 4:14 – so that we will no longer be infants, tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine and cunning craftiness and deceitful scheming of men.
4. Eph 4:7 – Endeavour to keep the unity of the peace.
Contentious People Destroy Momentum and Bonding
1. Prvbs 3:30 – Strive not, with a man without cause – if he did no harm.
2. Do not make an accusation against someone who did you no wrong.
3. Prvbs 20:3 – It is an honor for a man / woman to avoid strife.
4. Self admiration always contends to be No.1 – it parades its personality and achievements.
5. A contentious person is always a door for Satan to launch every evil work in a family/group/church.
6. James 3:16 – for where envy and strife is, there is confusion.
7. Rom 16:17 – Mark them that cause division and offenses, avoid them.
The Greatest Law of Success on Earth
1. The greatest law of success on earth is the law of Agreement.
2. Contentious people are in total opposition to the laws of Agreement.
3. Righteous agreement is Satan’s greatest enemy.
4. Matt 18:19 – If two of you on earth agree for anything it will be done for you.
5. Matt 18:20 – When two or three come together, in My Name, there am I in their midst.