You are Original and Significant
1. Each of us are genetically coded – which means everyone of us are original and significant, with unique gifts.
2.Your fingerprints cannot be duplicated.
3. Deep inside of you there is a seed waiting to be germinated.
4. God created everything with a seed in it according to its kind – Gen 1:12.
5. Hidden within every seed is the potential to fulfill itself and produce.
Releasing your hidden life
1. Although God created the earth, He did not give man a finished product.
2. Man needed food, clothes and shelter – God commanded man to be fruitful and increase in number, fill the earth and subdue it – Gen 1:28.
3. Man has the ability to unlock and release the treasure that is inside of you. It depends on man, not God who possesses the seed.
Victimized by opinions of other people
1. Many are victimized by opinions and assessments of human source.
2. You can become all God designed you to be, if you are willing to defy the patterns of the earth and dare to believe God’s assessment of your ability.
3. Pursue the ability within you to unlock and release the wealth and power that is waiting to be exposed.